A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park
Tree-ear, an orphan, has become fascinated with the potters' craft; he wants nothing more than to watch master potter Min at work, and he dreams of making a pot of his own someday. When Min takes on Tree-ear as his helper, Tree-ear is elated--until he finds obstacles in his path: the backbreaking labor of digging and hauling clay, Min's irascible temper, and his own ignorance. However, Tree-ear is determined to prove himself.
-Britt L.
Matt S
For some weird reason, the book seems to be very "calming." It has this very mellow, peaceful, "Asian" feeling. For those of you who have read it, does that make any sense at all???? It was very easy to get through, and I feel like I learned something about life and hardship in Korea in the middle ages.