My life in dog years by Gary Paulsen

Gary Paulsen has owned dozens of unforgettable and amazing dogs. In each chapter he tells the story, of one special dog, among them Snowball, the puppy he owned as a boy in the Philippines; Ike, his mysterious hunting companion; Dirk, the grim protector; and Josh, one of the remarkable border collies working on Paulsen's ranch today. Pen-and-ink illustrations by Ruth Wright Paulsen.


Anthony Lovings said…
This wasnt bad but I thought it was a little boring
bailey101 said…
I thought this book was ok,but it not that interestesting.It needed to have even more about each dog. I like the dog that he found when he was out hunting. It was a mystery dog.I didn't like the ending for each dog. Some weren't very good.
Helen said…
My Life in Dog Years is a sad put cheerful book. In this book, Gary Paulsen tells stories about impartant dogs in his life. A life saving dog, the smartest dog, and a devoted dog are some of the many dogs he will talk about. you have to read this book. it took me 1 day to read this.
Anonymous said…
i do not like how he tried to fit like twelve dogs all into one book. He (Gary Paulsen) should have have a seperate book for "Josh" if he thought he was the best one....
Ray Knight said…
This is a very good book.I recommend it for everyone.It's very easy read.It takes about 3-4 days to read.This is my favorite book so far of BOB! :)
Matt S said…
this story is very touching to me because i too love dogs.
Anonymous said…
It was a good book and read easy.
Anonymous said…
I never really liked dogs, but I loved this book. Each dog was different, and that's what I like. Variety.
Anonymous said…
This was an ok book. It wasn't my favorite of the BOB books so far, but it was pretty interesting how it told how he met each dog and there adventures together.
Michelle said…
It was a super quick read. I have always liked animal stories and these were neat to read.
Nathan W. said…
A short read that is good, but a little boring.
Phong said…
This book was good. My favorite part was whren he was talking about Josh. It was also quick and easy to read.

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