Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson

Maia, orphaned at 13 in England, is very unhappy to be staying with distant relatives hundreds of miles up the Amazon. She becomes friends with a mysterious English boy who lives with the local Indians. But when they are forced to flee upriver, they are pursued by some very eccentric characters.


Anonymous said…
This book is pretty interesting. THe title doesn't fit very well for the book, though. I would recomend this book for anyone who likes adventure books.

-Conner C.
koko said…
the title fits perfectly for the book because the amazon is nicknamed the "river sea" and they journey to it !!! :):)

Bleys M.
Anonymous said…
Gosh,it's hard to get into. I've had it for about three weeks and I have nto finished it. Some one help me!!

Jalen C.
Anonymous said…
Jalen I thought this book was hard to get into, too! it wasn't as good as it sounds!

-Conner C.(again)
Anonymous said…
I FINALLY finished it....
The title isn't that fitting. THe ending has a good spike of intrest to it. I would recommend this book to adventure lovers.

Jalen C.
Anonymous said…
I liked the book. it didn't take long to get into. I liked the ending a lot. It was a really good book.

- Becca
Anonymous said…
This book was extremely hard to get into. In addition, once i got to the climax of the book, it still wasn't that great. Some good things were the tricky things they did to the crows, but i'll let you figure that out. Also it has a pretty good ending, but I wish the author would have chosen a better beginning to get the reader hooked. Overall this book was almost decent, but that is only my opinion.

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