Cuba 15 by Nancy Osa

The 2001 winner of the Delacorte Press Prize for a First Young Adult Novel tells the story of a girl who while preparing for her 15th year celebration--her "quince"--probes into her Cuban roots and unwittingly unleashes a hotbed of conflicted feelings about Cuba within her family.


dylanmgates said…
this is a good book if you would like a book about a cuban girl turning 15. It took me a while to read because i didn't ever get into it.
Helen said…
Cuba 15 is an okay book. It is about a girl from Cuba that moves to America. She is turning fifeteen and wants to have a normal birthday, like normal americans, but her parents want her to do what they did when they where her age, have a Cuban party. Read on to find out which one happens. it took me two days to read this.
Anonymous said…
A pretty funny book. Cuba 15 is about a girl who's quincinera is coming up and doesn't really wany to go out in a pink dress and do the waltz with her father.

Matt S said…
i did not understand this book either
SarenaRulz said…
It's a good book, but not very exciting, though.
Nathan W. said…
I found this book extremely boring and hard to get into. Took me about a week and a half.

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