Other Side of Truth by B Naidoo

After their mother is murdered as a reprisal for the work of their outspoken journalist father, 12-year-old Sade and her younger brother are sent from their home in Nigeria to live with their uncle in London. However, when they arrive at their uncle's house, Sade and her brother discover that he is missing. Forced to live in a series of foster homes, the siblings are happy when they learn their father has escaped from Nigeria and is looking for them in England. Still, their father is in danger of being sent back to the perils of Nigeria unless Sade can find a way to save him.


Anonymous said…
I LOVED this book! I'ts about a girl who's mother had just been shot because her dad writes the truth. Confusing? Well, some gunmen had been aiming for her father, but got her mother instead. Anyways, Sade and her brother Femi have to move to London to be safe. There, the get tossed from foster home to foster home when their uncle goes missing. Want to know more? You'll just have to read the book!

Anonymous said…
This book starts off in Nigeria where a "battle" is going on with the government and journalists when Sage's family is put in danger because the government seeks to kill her father because of what he writes. Smuggled into London the children are to meet with there uncle Dele but for some reason he is missing. What will Sage and Femi do? How will they survive? Where is their father? To answer all these questions READ THIS BOOK!! ~Joseph
Anonymous said…
Thanks Tammy and Joseph! Now I really want to read this book. It sounds good. I think I will read this book when I finsh "Gentles Holler".

-Conner C.
Anonymous said…
I loved this book! Tammy and Joseph pretty much explained the book. I think anybody would love this book if they read it. I highly recommend you read this!!!
(The girls name Sade is pronounced SHA-DAY. Not what you think it is!)

-Conner C.
Pam Saenz said…
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you guys. To be completely honest, I didn't like this book. Through a lot of it I was thinking "Oh, come on!" . I'm sorry, but this book was pretty cheesy. In my opinion anyway.

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