Romiette and Julio by Sharon Mills Draper

When Romiette Cappelle and her best friend, Destiny, decide to order The Scientific Soul Mate System from the back of "Heavy Hunks" magazine, they're not sure what they're getting into. But Destiny, a self-proclaimed psychic, assures Romi that for $44.99 plus shipping and handling, it's the only way they're ever going to find out who their soul mates really are. If nothing else, maybe Romi will get some insight into that recurring dream she's been having about fire and water. But they never expect that the scented candle and tube of dream ointment will live up to their promises and merge Romiette's destiny with that of Julio Montague, a boy she's just met in the "cosmos" of an Internet chat room. It turns out they go to the same high school, not to mention having almost the same names as Shakespeare's famous lovers Sweet-scented dreams of Julio have almost overtaken Romi's nightmares... ...when suddenly they return, but this time in real life. It seems the Devildogs, a local gang, violently oppose the relationship of Romiette and Julio. Soon they find themselves haunted by the purple-clad shadows of the gang, and the fire and water of Romiette's dream merge in ways more terrifying -- and ultimately more affirming -- than even Destiny could have foreseen.


msalerno said…
I read this book last year. You will love it if you like improbable coincidences! It was fun but heavy at the same time with commentary on gangs, high school romance, and racialo tensions and relationships.
Tracy Callard said…
For those of you who read Forged By Fire last year, this book is by the same author, Sharon Draper.

R & J took me two nights to read. I thought it was going to be a romance novel (based on the title), but it actually ended up as an "action" story -- gang violence, racial tension, etc.

My prediction is that the 7th and 8th graders will probably like this book more than the sixth graders will.

I was a little disappointed in some parts I didn't think were that realistic, but overall I liked this book.
Anonymous said…
I liked this book a lot. I thought is was going to be like Romeo and Juliette but it was way better. I liked that it was a kindda mystery and that it had a lot of action packed into one book.
msalerno said…
Please remember if you are blogging as anonymous, you must AT LEAST sign with your initials or first name. You are receiving a grade on your posts. We will probably remove posts with no identification.
Bekah said…
I also really thought some of it was like super un-realistic. I just don't see how it would happen. Like Mrs. Callard said, it's not really a romance novel. There's a lot of violence and fighting and it kind of turns out in a way I didn't expect.

I didn't think it was really bad at all. It was a very good book, but I did like Forged By Fire tons better.
Elvin said…
Romiette and Julio is an adventure book that starts out as a love story. dont be fooled into thinking it is a romance, it is full of action suspence. it is however about two lovers who dont seem to be able to love each other without critisism. In the end some gangs cause trouble and they have to protect themselves...
msalerno said…
If you have read or seen The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliette, it too is action packed, full of violence, hate, stereotyping, gangs, fights, and improbable coincidences.
Pam Saenz said…
When I first got Romiette and Julio, my first thought was "Oh great, I have to read some cheesy romance novel." But man was I wrong! Although you see some of the lovey-dovey feelings in the dialog, it was more of an action book. Overall, it was a good book. But I have to admit, I like Forged by Fire way more.
Christa said…
I thought it was funny and at the same time a little sad because of all the gangs. I like it when they were on the computer talking to eachother. The names were funny that they used. It took me about three to four nights to read, but it was really good.
Anonymous said…
This was the only book I truly was deep into, as in deeeeeeep. Once I started, I kept on reading it and could never stop. I personally like Ben, since he is obscure like me, and everyone else is extremely special.

Cheyenne said…
Romiette and Julio is great twist of romance, mystery, and suspension! They meet online and find out they go to the same school; Julio has a problem with the school gang and all goes wrong.
Alexis T. said…
Romiette and Julio was one of the best books i have ever read! I'm really into reality and action books because you can actually imagine it happening.
Jared Gates said…
Romiette and Julio was better than the cover entitled. I thought it was going to be a romance novel similar to Romio and Juliette. I was finally wrong for the first time in my life. This was a great book, that once you start reading it, you can't put it down. This book has intense action with gangs, and another unsolved mystery that you have to read to uncover...
cedarfall said…
cedarfall said…
TIS IS MY FAVE. BOOK EVR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kayla D. said…
I really liked this book.This book was tied with The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. I read it about as fast as I read Twilight(for those who know me,I don't bring Twilight into EVERYTHING)It is kind of frobidden love,so I think it was really good.

Some parts were really weird and seemed pretty unrealistic, but it makes me want to read Forged by Fire and see if Sharon Draper has any other books.
Anonymous said…
This is an awesoome book. It was on my top3 favorite list. It only took me 3 days to read it!

Anonymous said…
This is my favorite books. At first I thought that it wouldn't be very good. It takes a little while to get into this book, but once you do it,s an amzing story about true love and danger.
Anonymous said…
the last anonymous post without a name was from me...

Sarena P.

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