Artemis Fowl Book 1 by Colfer, Eoin

Twelve-year-old villain, Artemis Fowl, is the most ingenious criminal mastermind in history. His bold and daring plan is to hold a leprechaun to ransom. But he's taking on more than he bargained for when he kidnaps Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon (Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance Unit). For a start, leprechaun technology is more advanced than our own. Add to that the fact that Holly is a true heroine and that her senior officer Commander Root will stop at nothing to get her back and you've got the mother of all sieges brewing! If you had to describe this book in one sentence, then it would have to be: Artemis Fowl - Die Hard with fairies.


msalerno said…
This book has some pretty fun descriptions of fairy technology! I read it a while back so that is all I really remember.
Luke said…
Artemis Fowl is a good scifi book that is also fantasy
Michelle said…
I loved this book. It has a lot of action and is very descriptive. All of the characters have their own personalities. It is a
book to read multiple times.
zanerama0571 said…
Quite a showdown at Fowl manor!
Jane said…
Read the book, wasn't impressed. I don't think I'll be reading the rest of this series...
Cynthia said…
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CodyO25 said…
I'm reading this book right now and it is getting better by the page. It was very slow at the very beginning, so I only read about ten pages. Then I started to read more and it is a very interesting read. Can't wait to finish it! :)
Jalen said…
Great book! Uses good imagery and descriptive words. READ IT!!!
Unknown said…
This book started out really boring. I stopped reading it for a while. I thought it was awsome that Eoin Colfer put all of that detail into one book. I'm going to read the rest of the series.
Austin said…
Great book intresting action packed book.A MUST READ BOB BOOK
Anonymous said…
Artimis fowl is a book for any body with the fantasy kind of mind. im almost fininshed with it and i love it!!!!!!!1
Anonymous said…
Cool book. An easy read but fun.
Elvin said…
Artemis Fowl is an okay book about a boy who wants to get rich by stealing the fairires' money and getting his families wealth restored.
Matt S said…
i like this book. it is easy and fun to read.
SarenaRulz said…
It was a great book. I was kind off hoping for like some more stuff, though. I just think it's kind of strange seeing a bad guys perspective.
msalerno said…
I thought the "bad guy's perpective" was weird, too. I much prefer hearing a hero tell his tale!
Nick R. said…
This book was my favorite of the books. My reason for saying this is that it uses fantasy type charaters such as fairys and trolls without overdoing it like with other fantasy books. I also liked the fact that it didn't just follow the story from one perspective but it told the story from many different perspectives. I also thought the plot was realy good too because there was many different plot twists and i highly reccomend it.

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