Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata

Katie Takeshima's sister, Lynn, makes everything seem glittering and shining. But when Lynn becomes desperately ill, and the whole family begins to fall apart, it is up to Katie to find a way to remind them all that there is always something glittering in the future.


Anonymous said…
It was sad.
Kenny said…
I don't like how Katie's sister began to ignore her after she met Amber
Anonymous said…
This book is awesome!It has a sad ending but I am sure anybody would love it.

-Conner C.
Pam Saenz said…
I'm not going to lie, I nearly cried over this book. It moved me that much. That, or I'm just extremely emotional...well, either way, I liked it. =]
Anonymous said…
Wow Pam.
It was ok, it almost made me cry. But in my opinion it really had no story and the whole Kira-kira thing had very little to do with the story... I was kind of disappointed.
Tracy Callard said…
The "voice" in this book was kind of unusual, as I recall. Not robotic, really, but it wasn't really an "emotional" style of writing.

I agree with Pam and Bryce that it is very sad. I felt like her family ignored the sister at the end -- compared to how I would treat my own children if they were sick... That was sort of strange.

This book did win the Newberry medal, but it is not my favorite Newberry book by any stretch.
Anonymous said…
I'm about halfway through this book (after Amber ditches Lynn). My only problem with the book is that there's no real plot. It's just mindless rambling most of the time. However, I do feel a lot of personal connections in this book such as how Katie feels when Lynn ignores her for her so-called "best friend", or the feeling of protectiveness Katie possesses for Sam. So far, I would give this book three-and-a-half stars. Maybe my opinion will change later on?
Kenny said…
Well i kind of knew someone was going to die because in japanese kira means death by itself so i just thought it would be something to do with death
Anonymous said…
I loved this book!

Anonymous said…
I liked the book. It was very sad. I really got into it so I finished it in two days. I like that Lynn started paying attention to Katie after Amber dropped her as a friend.

Michelle said…
A sad book but a worthy story.

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