Son by Lois Lowry

Son by Lois Lowry  

I am not disappointed with the finale to this quartet.  Although it seems that Lowry introduces a new main character, she was there all along.  We didn't meet her because her job as a birth mother was not valued in her society.  This story spans the time frame of all three of the other stories and definitely finishes the story in a way that lets us know about each of the characters we have come to care about in this series.

Lowry started this "quartet" in 1994 with the winner of the 1994 Newbery Medal, The GiverThis is a dystopic series...the world had to start over and things aren't so great for people in the new societies.  They are too controlled by a cruel government, and even though they may not know it, they are unhappy.

I re-read the books in the series in preparation for Son.

The Giver   Jonas discovers at twelve, that his lifetime job assignment is to be the keeper of memories for his community. This brings him privilege and knowledge--knowledge that he must decide if he can bear.

Gathering Blue   Kira may be the only person in her village with a disability--because anyone who is perceived as weak is killed or left to die outside the community.  Her mother made the community leaders allow Kira to live.  Her mother, a gifted weaver, has died and left Kira a vulnerable orphan.  However, Kira has a valuable weaving gift so the leaders mysteriously gave her a home where she can practice her craft.  Kira is determined, with the help of the street boy Mattie, to find out about the mystery of her father's death.  She is discovering that the details that she has been told just are not true.

 Messenger What happened to Kira and Matty?  What happened to Jonas? You can find out in this story! 


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