A Drowned Maiden's Hair: A Melodrama by Laura Amy Schlitz

Thanks for the comments last week. Wow! I love the Percy Jackson series, too. I blogged a little about that series during the summer.
I picked up A Drowned Maiden's Hair: A Melodrama off the shelf here in the library last week. I am hooked! It is an exciting and intriguing book. I thought it might be "scary" (kids are always asking for scary books). But, it isn't really a ghost story...but it is full of suspense and mystery. There IS a dead girl who is EXPECTED to come back as a ghost, but...well...that is part of the fun and suspense.
Here is the annotation from the card catalog: "At the Barbary Asylum for Female Orphans, eleven-year-old Maud is adopted by three spinster sisters moonlighting as mediums who take her home and reveal to her the role she will play in their seances." What isn't said is that we think the spinsters are SUCH ladies...but they turn out to be con artists! You can have it when I am finished!