Blogging Rules

Blogging Rules
To use the Hadley Middle School blog, you must agree to the following statements:

I will not use any curse words or inappropriate language.
I will not use fighting words or provoke anyone.
I will avoid the use of chat language.
I will try to spell everything correctly.
I will only give constructive criticism.
I will only use my first name.
I will not plagiarize.
I recognize that breaking any of these rules could lead to any of the following consequences depending on severity and repetition:

Deletion of some or all of the post
Temporary loss of blogging privileges
Detention or suspension
Permanent loss of blogging privileges

I further recognize that the blog is considered a virtual extension of our classroom, and therefore all school, district, and U.S. federal rules and regulations apply. I am aware that violation of any of these rules may be referred to the school administration.


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